New Membership
We are currently accepting new Memberships.

To become a member, fill out and submit the member application to the right.

You will then be contacted concerning upcoming orientation dates.

Orientations are scheduled as needed, which means when there are enough new members to make it feasible, usually this is about 20 people.
It can be weeks or even months before we get back to you with an orientation date, so it's not that we forgot about you.
You can contact us using the form below if you would like to confirm you are on the waiting list, or for an update about when there may be an orientation.

There is a $110.00 initiation fee, which will be due, along with the annual fee of $90.00 [total of $200.00] at the orientation meeting.

At the orientation meeting you will be briefed on the following and given a membership card.
Any questions about membership, can be submitted here.

Your Name:
Your Phone Number:
Your Email:
Contact me about:

First Name:

Last Name:

Date of birth: Month: Day: Year:


Mailing Address:


State Abbreviation:

Zip Code:

Phone Number:


Your membership in the NRA helps lower our insurance costs.
NRA Member Number:
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